Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Family Photos

The problem with being an artist is everyone is always asking you what you're working on, especially when you are TRYING TO WORK!

Every time I have my camera on, Amy and Noe get in my face and try to get in the pictures. Sometimes I really just want to take pictures of the radiator cover and Ralphie (who never TRIES to be in my photos) but Amy and Noe just keep getting in my way. On the occasions I actually try to take a picture of them, they always lean in and ask some stupid question like "Is the camera on?" and my picture turns out all fuzzy. It can be very frustrating! Here are some examples:

I was scared Amy was going to poke me with her fork.

Noe is the worst at getting his picture taken - he can not stand still.

Finally! They followed my instructions and I got a good one...
although I prefer candid shots to posed.

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