Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

I don't usually eat people food (when offered a bite, I tend to just lick it over and over), but dad's plate of Thanksgiving dinner looked so good I could not help myself. He left it alone while he went to get a beverage, and when he came back I was licking the chicken. It was so tasty! My camera took a picture right as he shoo-ed me off the tray table - too bad you can't see Amy's delicious cooking.

I also took this nice picture of Ralphie watching football:

I watched the football game for a little bit, but seeing as it was the Detroit Lions, well, it's not like we didn't know the outcome. 

All in all, we had a great Thanksgiving! How was yours?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Put your right leg in...

What am I going to do with that Noe? He just keeps getting in my way. Here I am, trying to be an artist, and he keeps getting in my way. Even when I try to get away from him, he ends up in the picture!

Here I am trying to make a break from the sun room to underneath the microwave cart (where the Pepsi box is). I was closing in on my destination when this happened:

Then, as I was trying to move from the coffee table to the couch and perhaps take more pictures of the Guitar Hero drum set (I haven't gotten quite the shot that I'm looking for yet), someone saw the light on my camera blinking and decided to stick their hand in my photo:

Honestly, this is getting old. Can't they just let me work?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Stop bugging me

Ralph eats bugs sometimes. I think bugs are gross. Here he is hunting a bug in the sun room.

Stupid boys.